Non adhesive liquid embolic agent for embolization of Peripheral Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM) REPRESENTATIVE Ferdi Hogenboom Sales Manager Endovascular, Neurology & Venousferdi@angiocare.nl+31 652611747
Showing 305–320 of 353 results
Non adhesive liquid embolic agent for embolization of Peripheral Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM) REPRESENTATIVE Ferdi Hogenboom Sales Manager Endovascular, Neurology & Venousferdi@angiocare.nl+31 652611747
Peripheral orbital atherectomy system REPRESENTATIVE Rob Schilders Product Specialist Endovascularrob@angiocare.nl+31 621688322
Peripheral orbital atherectomy system REPRESENTATIVE Dennis de Vré Product Specialist Endovasculardennis@angiocare.nl+31 621474664
ASD closure device REPRESENTATIVE Steven schumn Product Specialist Cardiologysteven@angiocare.nl+31 615394419
Tearaway introducers REPRESENTATIVE Ferdi Hogenboom Sales Manager Endovascular, Neurology & Venousferdi@angiocare.nl+31 652611747
Tearaway introducers REPRESENTATIVE Ferdi Hogenboom Sales Manager Endovascular, Neurology & Venousferdi@angiocare.nl+31 652611747
The Titan catheter line consists of a highly navigable, large-bore (0.070-inch) aspiration catheter and a smaller-bore (0.036-inch) catheter for navigation and support. REPRESENTATIVE Alexander de Vries Director Commercial Operationsinfo@angiocare.nl
Transseptal needle & sheath REPRESENTATIVE Alexander de Vries Director Commercial Operationsinfo@angiocare.nl
Transseptal needle & sheath REPRESENTATIVE Steven Schumn Product Specialist Cardiologysteven@angiocare.nl+31 615394419